As the warm breezes start to roll in, signalling the approach of summer 2024, it's time to get excited about what lies ahead. Here at Planetyucca, we're gearing up to offer you an unforgettable summer experience. We understand the longing for sun-kissed days filled with exquisite dining, vibrant live music, and the thrill of unexpected shows. This year, we're bringing all this and more, ensuring your summer is packed with the very best we have to offer.

Exquisite Dining Awaits

First and foremost, let's talk about the culinary journey you're about to embark on. Our city is renowned for its diverse and delicious cuisine, and this summer, we're taking it up a notch. From the freshest seafood platters that echo the Aegean's bounty to artisanal dishes that blend tradition with innovation, your taste buds are in for a treat. Imagine savouring the city's finest meals, where each bite tells a story of culture, passion, and excellence. That's exactly what we have in store for you.

Cocktails and Live Music Under the Stars

What's a summer evening without the clink of ice in your glass, the taste of a perfectly mixed cocktail, and the sound of live music filling the air? At Planetyucca, we believe these moments are essential. This year, our cocktail menu is inspired by the vibrant flavours of summer, designed to refresh and delight. As the sun sets, our outdoor spaces will come alive with the sounds of local and international artists, providing the perfect backdrop for your evening adventures. And keep an eye out for our surprise shows!

Join Us This Summer

As we count down the days to summer 2024, we invite you to be part of our journey. Stay tuned for more updates, and rest assured, we're as excited to welcome you as you are to experience everything we have planned. Here's to a summer of joy, discovery, and the best of times – see you soon!